
	// Config file for all settings.

	// DB configs
	$dbhost = 'localhost';
	$dbname = 'popnaor_cms4';
	$dbuser = 'popnaor_cms';
	$dbpasswd = 'r0gu3dr@g0n';
	$prefix = "popna_"; // db prefix.
	// File and domain configs
	$siteroot = '/home/popnaor/public_html';
	$fileroot = '';  // do not include an extra slash at the end of the path or it breaks things.
	$domain = "popna.org"; // full domain name without http or slashes.  IE, www.domain.com
	// Gallery configs
	$cols = 5; // number of columns to display in group and main pages.

      Name                    Last modified      Size  Description